
Projects and Art Commissions

Realizacje Ewa & Roman Fleszar

The fruits of our collaboration include numerous statuettes, monuments, commemorative plaques, and polychromes. We work with the largest companies in the USA and Poland specializing in sacred art, many cultural institutions, as well as individual clients.

We approach each commission individually, taking into account the requirements of our clients. We proceed with the execution of the order after a detailed discussion of the project.

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Projects and Art Commissions

Monuments and Plaques

We invite you to explore our unique projects in the field of monuments and plaques, created over the thirty years of our activity. Our designs adorn both public and private spaces, serving as lasting and elegant testimonies of memory and prestige.

Each monument and plaque we create is the result of our passion, precision, and dedication. We use both traditional sculpting techniques and modern methods to produce works of exceptional durability and aesthetics. Our projects combine solid craftsmanship with artistic sensitivity, allowing them to withstand the test of time.

Monument of Ignacy Jan Paderewski sitting on a bench, holding a hat in his hand, next to a piano.
Monument of Saint Maximilian Maria Kolbe holding a rosary, standing on a pedestal with a commemorative plaque.
Monument of Saint Maximilian Maria Kolbe holding a rosary, standing on a pedestal with a commemorative plaque.
Projects and Art Commissions


Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z naszymi wyjątkowymi realizacjami statuetek, które zostały zaprojektowane i wykonane dla klientów z kraju i zagranicy. Nasza trzydziestoletnia działalność owocuje projektami dla takich prestiżowych marek i instytucji jak TOYOTA, COMARCH, ROLESKI, BRW, Rohn & Associates Design, Inc, TARNOWSKA NAGRODA FILMOWA, FESTIWAL TALIA oraz GAUDE MATER.

Każda statuetka, którą stworzyliśmy, jest efektem naszej pasji, precyzji i zaangażowania. Dzięki połączeniu tradycyjnych technik rzeźbiarskich z nowoczesnym designem, nasze dzieła cechują się nie tylko wysoką jakością wykonania, ale również unikalnym stylem, który przyciąga uwagę i budzi podziw.

A statuette featuring a climber against a glass mountain, with the inscription '1st place WOMEN, IFSC World Cup 2007, Speed, Tarnów Poland, April 14, 2007'.
A statuette depicting a combustion engine model, placed on a base with the inscription 'Toyota Motor Industries Poland, Grand Opening of the Factory, Jelcz-Laskowice, September 15, 2005'.
A statuette depicting a runner in a dynamic pose, placed on a dark stone base. The elements show an arched structure symbolizing motion.


We invite you to explore the exceptional painting works of Roman Fleszar, created over the thirty years of our activity. We are particularly proud of his sacred and illusionistic works, which have gained recognition in the USA, China, and Poland.

Thanks to projects for prestigious clients and institutions in the USA, China, and Poland, Roman Fleszar’s paintings have earned international acclaim. Each piece is a result of his passion, talent, and dedication, making these works not only adornments for interiors but also unique elements of an art collection.

A fragment of sacred painting by Roman Fleszar in St. Anthony's Basilica in Beaumont, USA, depicting the 12 apostles, lambs, and a Latin inscription: 'Est quia mea domus orationis vocabitur omnibus domus gentibus'.
A sacred painting by Roman Fleszar titled 'Through Mary to Jesus', located in the chapel in Zabrzeż. It depicts the Virgin Mary crowned and surrounded by praying figures, including Pope John Paul II, with the motto below: 'Through Mary to Jesus'.
Trompe-l'œil painting by Roman Fleszar, depicting swallows flying across a blue sky and a child peeking from behind an illusionary balustrade. The artwork is located in Mulangou Castle in Shandong Province, China.
Trompe-l'œil painting by Roman Fleszar, depicting a marble plaque with the Latin inscription 'Audaces fortuna juvat' on a decorative background. The artwork is located in Mulangou Castle in Shandong Province, China.

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